Whilst not a formal calendared event, the modern TF owners within our local club, motivated by Dave Tindall and Kevin Oldfield, decided to stage their own 20th birthday celebration on the 20th March for this much under-rated sports car. A total of nine cars gathered from Plettenberg Bay, Knysna and Wilderness and congregated at Margaret’s Viewpoint overlooking the Knysna Lagoon.
The weather was unusually dull and overcast, no doubt reminding the cars of their British heritage, but the cloudy backdrop created a moody atmosphere for the photographers and didn’t discourage most of us from arriving tops-down. The event was given additional credibility by the attendance of immediate past Chairman, Bruce Henderson, and current incumbent, Jill Morse, both of whom joined the group for a festive breakfast at The Bell in Belvidere.
For those unfamiliar with the car, the first modern TF came onto the market in late January/ early February 2002 after 7 years of difficult childhood with the MGF. They continued to be built until the demise of MG Rover in 2005 and over 39 000 were built. The plant was then bought out by NAC and moved to China where TFs were produced until 2009.The last 500 off the production line were called LE500s.

Newly elected South MGCCSC Chair, Jill Morse, gives a line-up of modern MG TFs her stamp of approval (note the “out of place” classic models in the background, feeling left out but keeping the flag flying).