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MGCC Cape Centres Centenary Gathering 23–26 May 2023


The MG Car Club, Combined South African Centres, has a long tradition of gatherings held every two years called Indabas. These gatherings give MG owners the opportunity to drive in their cars to different venues as arranged by the Centre responsible and to enjoy MG fellowship.

In addition to the two-yearly Indabas, in intermediate years, the four Cape Centres (Cape Town, South Cape, Port Elizabeth and Border) organise similar gatherings where preference is given to Cape Centres enthusiasts.

Sadly, the 2021 Cape Centres Gathering, planned to be hosted by the Border Centre, had to be cancelled because of Covid restrictions. The 2022 Indaba will hopefully go ahead as planned, and preparations are under way for the next 2023 Cape Centres Gathering to be hosted by the South Cape Centre. This will be in the delightful Karoo town of Prince Albert and will be rather special.

Accommodation availability will restrict the number of MGs allowed to 55 vehicles so the event is expected to be over-subscribed because it is a special Cente

nary Gathering. The record shows that the first ever MG sports car was manufactured and sold in the U.K. in 1923, which is an event well worth celebrating in style.

Further information on the 2023 Centenary Cape Centres Gathering can be obtained from the South Cape Centre’s email address -

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